The Importance of Caring for the Indoor Air Quality

construction experts
In recent years research has increased around the indoor air quality in offices and workplaces. We spent about 90% of our time indoors and the Agency for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that indoor air often can be 2 to 5 times more polluted than the outside and sometimes even 100 times. This pollution contributes to sick building syndrome and related illness such as legionnaire's disease, asthma, frequent headaches, etc.. 

This is particularly true in workplaces where a bad indoor air quality invariably leads to a decreased productivity due to problems of comfort, and absenteeism due to illness. The causes that lead to a poor air quality are many and each person reacts differently to contaminants depending on their sensitivity. From any point of view half clean and healthy indoor environment is essential for the well-being.

To improve the quality, first one has to detect the source of contaminants. This is done through questionnaires, detailed inspections and air sampling using the latest and best equipment to precision instruments designed specifically to investigate and monitor air quality, measuring and analyzing a number of parameters:

Biological pollutants:

Tests will be done indoor and outdoor air to determine the total count of spores and hyphae (filaments of cells that make up the body of the fungus), viable and nonviable, identifying them by their gender. Also looking for particles in general between 1 and 10 microns, such as pollen, insect fragments and fibrous particles. Another test that can be done is the cultivation of fungi and bacteria, which if required, other than gender identifies the species. Then the samples are sent to accredited labs and highly specialized environmental services and microbiological testing indoor air quality. They offer reliable and detailed results.

Temperature and Humidity:

constructions defect investigations
Careful measurement of temperature is an important parameter related to the welfare and comfort. Relevant also is the measurement of relative humidity, as if out of the recommended contributes to the development and growth of fungi and mold, causing respiratory problems and allergies in people who breathe and thrive in that environment.


A high presence of CO2 can point to a lack of oxygen which can lead to lethargy, drowsiness, tiredness, fatigue and the accumulation of body odor. Measuring the carbon dioxide level allows us to estimate the rate of ventilation of the building and comply with Standard 62, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE.

When conducting an inspection at a business to hand over a report that includes data collected and protocols with recommendations to remedy the problems encountered. This report is of high importance to the building administrator or the board of directors or other committees responsible for the operation and safety of the building can take appropriate action.


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